Chrome star spinning

\\ Greetings, Voyager

Page very much WIP! Bookmark and come back later.

!!NEW!! Added 'BLOG'. There I will write about stuff - my life, random advice, and maybe even get a tad philosophical.

I see you've stumbled upon my byte-sized nook on the web. Please make yourself at home, and feel free to look around.

This digital space will mostly contain my non-fiction writing in the form of video game reviews (check out the Video Game section for more) or my thoughts/mini-essays. Perhaps I'll even write a short story or two. Perhaps I'll grow a pair and publish it here.

Other content includes me idly yapping about science, shows, tech, and other trivial things from my life.

I wish you an enjoyable stay in my abode!

Why this page was born

On August 2nd, 2024, I saw a video. It was about something called the 'indie web'. I was intrigued.

I am dissatisfied with the state of modern internet at large. Nearly everywhere I've been to has become so commercialized, so toxic. The idea that I wasn't stuck there was revolutionary. I could leave.

Upon browsing a few Neocities pages, a wave of novelty and curiosity washed over me. I haven't felt that for some time while exploring the web.

I missed those feelings.

I was charmed by the promise of individuality and creativity that the creation of my own web page held. It wouldn't be like anything social media provided for me until then.

And so, fueled by a vision of a digital paradise precisely to my tastes and of my own making, I engraved this page into the web for me to rest in and for others to discover - just like you have now.

Thank you for visiting, voyager. Your presence is my delight.

You shall always be welcome here; it would be an honor to have you return.

Until then, I wish you stellar sailing through the web.